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It is not easy to always be positive. Some days can start off positive and in a split second, it can do a 180 and then I’m crabby and doubting every part of me. The mind is powerful, so powerful. I’ve only been around for 27 years, but I’m starting to realize in these last few years, just how important it is, to try and look at everything in a positive light. Positivity, not only affects ourselves, but everyone around us. Physical, emotional, and mental health is all determined by your mindset and outlook on life. I don’t know abut you guys, but I love being surrounded by positive, encouraging, and uplifting people, not being swallowed in by complainers and naysayers.


Confidence is beautiful, but I think the most beautiful thing about a person is having a positive outlook on life. I want to be surrounded by positive people, encouraging people, and purposeful people. There is not much that is attractive about a person filled with negativity and drama, I just always feel exhausted being surrounded by people, and then I notice that my mentality shifts to one of finding the annoyances with even the littlest of things in life. Life is miserable when we let the little things consume us. We are human and I am certainly NOT perfect, so there definitely are still days when my spirit can all of a sudden go negative, and I’m still trying to work on not letting it consume me some days. It isn’t easy, but it is something that is so important for me personally to continue to work on each day.



The world is filled with so much negativity and this constant feeling of not being enough, you aren’t doing something the right way and then we fill our minds with doubt. Everyone can benefit from a smile, or a genuine compliment, actual and genuine relationships, not these transactional relationships that seem to be around everywhere. Remember, doubt can creep in at any time and in every situation, but know who you are and know that you are enough. There isn’t always a one size fits all and one right way to do everything. Variety and diversity is what makes this world so beautiful. Be confident and positive who you are as an individual, there are many ways to live this life and make a difference. So you do you, and do what makes you happy and most positive. Make the positive impact, and be real about your positivity, be the light in someone’s life that needs it.



Here are the four things I do when I am feeling negative:

  1. Cliche, but I write down 5 things that I am grateful for on that day. It is just such a great reminder and perspective on your day that your life really isn’t filled with that many bad things. There is good in every single day, sometimes we just have to sit in silence and really think about your life.

  2. Prayer, this is my very first thing I do. It is so easy to get negative and just travel down that dark hole that is never ending, and it is so easy to wallow in that negativity. There are days, that everything just seems to be going absolutely terrible, and nothing seems to be going right, and that is okay. Days are going to be worse than others, but there are ways to turn some of those days around. Prayer is something that you not only do when your day is going terribly, but every day! Bring it all to God, and let go. I also tend to worry, worry about things that are so out of my control, and I know that then I need to be praying a lot more. Worrying leads to nothing except negativity and feeling overwhelmed, so bring it all to God.

  3. Workout, for me, working out is my stress reliever. So when I am feeling negative and can’t get those thoughts out of my head I will go workout, because it allows my mind to escape and focus my mind on something else. Working out might not be able to do that for you, but if you don’t know you should definitely try it out. Focuses the mind on something else, plus your body releases endorphins when working out that is an automatic mood lifter, so you’re bound to have success.

  4. Drink lots of water and eat healthy food. Seriously, I know a lot of people will roll their eyes at this, but it is so vital. Whenever I am eating processed foods and lots of sugars I often feel so tired, which definitely doesn’t help then when I am in a negative mindset. So stay hydrated and eat foods packed with nutrition, it will help out, trust me. I mean ice cream is always good when you are feeling down, but that doesn’t mean you eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Just have a bowl after you eat a nutrient packed meal.

The most beautiful part of you is your smile and your positivity, share it with the world, the world can never have too much of it, in fact it needs more of it! “Be the change that you want to see in the world”, a quote that is used all too much, but seriously use your gifts, personality, and strengths to be the change that you do want to see. It is possible!

xoxo, Mara