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Ladies, I know summer is done, but that doesn’t mean that we switch our workout routines/lifestyles to doing nothing. It does however become more difficult to continue with routines because of the changing of seasons, however it might be good for you and your body as well. We can all get stuck in routines and habits and so do our bodies. With the changing to cooler weather it might mean that you aren’t able to go for your runs outside, maybe this will be your push to join a gym. With joining a gym you will have the ability to start a weight program, or join a spin class! Your options are quite endless, so what better time to switch up your workout routine then to change it now with the seasons changing as well.


Ladies, I used to only run when I first began, which by no means is bad, but it took a toll on my body as well as not a lot of change for all of the time I was putting into my running. It wasn’t until I started incorporating weight training into my workouts that I saw lean muscle gain and the toned muscle that I was trying to achieve for all of those years. Many women are under the impression that their bodies will get bigger and that they will be huge and muscular with weight training. First off, our bodies are all different shapes and they will all react to certain workouts in certain ways, but I can tell you that, especially for women, weight lifting is necessary for bone strength and lean muscle mass, and women will not get bulky, especially if you are just incorporating weight training into your workouts two to three times a week. Some women can get bigger, but they are intentionally doing that and doing certain things with their workouts and the food and supplements that they are putting into their daily lives. So don't worry, lifting weights multiple times a week will not get you big!



I love running, and still do plenty of running each week, don’t get me wrong, I am a strong advocate for both cardio training as well as weight training. It is as simple as this, with weight training you put on lean muscle mass and muscle burns fat. So there you have it, quite simple you see, do full body training about two to three times a week and you will notice a difference in your results within a couple of months. This being said, I also am a STRONG advocate for nutrition, you can workout as much as you want, but you can’t outdo your habitual bad eating with workouts, I wish that was the case too, trust me, French fries and Coke is my cheat meal jam, but if I were to eat and drink that all of the time, I would not have the lean muscle mass that I have been working on this last year and a half!


I cannot stress enough how important nutrition is! You cannot look like Julianne Hough and eat some form of sugar or chips everyday. You cannot run enough miles every day and lift enough weights to outdo it. Plus fuelling your body with the right nutrition will give you substantial amounts of natural energy, and I feel like so many people that I talk to are simply tired. Nutrition definitely plays a huge role in your natural energy levels! It seriously is game changing! I have tried so many different things and have witnessed people try many things and it all comes down to a couple of things. Proper nutrition, weight training, and cardio, that’s it.



Nutrition is up to you, some people like to meal prep, some people like convenience, some people like to actually cook every single meal. You do you, but make sure you are getting in all of the minerals and vitamins that you’re needing, and trust me, that is so hard to do at times, but it will definitely be worth your time and investment! My husband and I choose convenience for breakfast and lunch and then we will cook dinner for ourselves every night!  We don’t have time, nor do we want to spend countless hours doing meal prep each week. The protein filled snacks, protein bars, and shakes that we choose to fill our bodies with for breakfast and lunch are a complete macronutrient meal, we choose that so we don’t have to think about getting an adequate breakfast and lunch, we both work, so convenience is what works for our lifestyles. It definitely has allowed us so much freedom with having a cheat meal or dessert here or there, and still staying on track, something we have never had before.  You do you, but it is possible for everyone to eat healthy and properly fuel your bodies with everything it needs! Feel free to message me if you feel lost on nutrition and need guidance into different options! There is something for everyone out there.


What changes are you going to challenge yourself with this fall season?!

“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go”

It is the perfect time to make those changes and see what beautiful things are ahead in your future! Don’t be scared, take the leap and be open to new ideas and opportunities!



Nike Shoes  (Tan is no longer available, but other colors are)

Long Sleeve Top

Tank Top

