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30 Day Healthy Holiday Guide

30 Day Healthy Holiday Guide

Okay, so you’ve seen me post about it, because I am so passionate with helping people FEEL their best, while also looking their best. Confidence is something that I tend to struggle with, and working out to keep myself healthy physically and mentally is the one of the biggest components that leaves me with a little more confidence every day. So here is the layout of what you can expect with this incredible Holiday fitness program!

  1. You can do these workouts ANYWHERE: Home, Gym, outside at a park, or while you are Traveling and on the road..literally anywhere!

  2. Any fitness level can do these!

  3. A Facebook page is created specifically for this challenge. This is where the workouts will be posted daily, healthy meal options and snacks will be posted daily. I also include videos with every workout that demonstrates each exercise, that way you will be able to physically see what I am describing in the workouts.

  4. Amazing accountability. I will be coaching you as well as doing this program alongside of YOU!

  5. Have your friends join you for extra accountability!

  6. It is only $24.99 for all the workouts, and the meal guide. That is the only requirement. All the meals given are made of whole foods and can be easily made. These are meals my husband and I make each month.

  7. I designed this program, and will walk alongside of YOU the entire way!

Having everything planned out for you is so so critical with retention as well as progress. Failing to plan is planning to fail, you’ve heard that statement before, but it is oh so true. When I am not on a workout program and when I don’t plan my meals out for a week at a time, I fail. I do partial and incomplete workouts, and we grab take out food. We spend more money by eating out, plus we don’t feel our best. Our nutrition is lacking as well as our activity levels. So having workouts planned for you everyday, as well as a meal is so incredible, and the best part is that it is all done for you. You just have to show up each day, but your meal is planned for each night, and your workout is written out for you and can be done whenever and wherever it works best for you that day!

You have nothing to lose, except a couple of inches, a negative outlook on your health and body image. Holidays are so stressful and so busy to begin with, so let me help you stay on track this Holiday season! I want YOU to FEEL and look your best! Confidence and being healthy is where it is at! So join me and my tribe of ladies!

Happy Holidays,

xoxo Mara