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Body image is such a major component of living a healthy lifestyle that often gets overlooked. Recently I was talking with a high school class about health, fitness, and living a healthy lifestyle, and during that time I was reminded of how hard it was in high school to understand and accept that everyone’s bodies are different, and all of that pressure there was to maintain that certain body image. This most certainly is not just a high school struggle, it is a battle for anyone at any age.

Yes, as adults we understand the concept, yet we still manage to find a way to be hard on ourselves. We struggle with being confident and we pick apart our bodies even though we know we physically cannot change our body structure. That being said it does not mean that we just let whatever happen to our bodies, but certainly stop obsessing over looking like a certain friend, fitness model, or celebrity. Health goes way beyond fitness and nutrition. Confidence and a healthy mindset is what is going to give you a truly healthy lifestyle and true confidence.

Some are born with model legs, some with curves, some tall, some short, the sooner that we realize it and accept it the happier we will be. A healthy mind, in my opinion, is one of the biggest contributors to reaching our realistic body goals, as well as the confidence that each one of us deserves to have. This part of being ‘healthy’ is maybe not even so much overlooked, but it is definitely one of the hardest things to overcome. Minds are so powerful, beautiful, and yet so difficult to manage at times.

Overcoming this issue of body image can all start with little things, for example, do not beat yourself up for having a donut or cupcake. All things in moderation, but please, enjoy yourself. How are we going to be happy when we completely deprive ourselves of the things we desire some days? Moderation is definitely a key word here, but do not be that person that never has that cocktail, or the delicious desserts that no one truly wants to resist.

Go outside and enjoy the outdoors, or go to the gym to get in that intense sweat session you have been dying to get in, but we cannot beat ourselves up when the day is just too hectic to fit in an "adequate gym workout". Eat as healthy as you can when you can, but the key component is to truly enjoy where you are at, who you are with and what you are doing. Be the best you, once we figure out how to obtain that life will be one hundred times more enjoyable! This is where your positive body image is going to grow tremendously, defeating ourselves mentally will just keep us where we are at, and no one wants to be stuck in a rut.

Body image will maybe always be an issue for some of us, but as long as we can better manage and control those false thoughts the easier and happier life will be! God has designed each of our bodies uniquely and beautifully, so fully embrace everything that you were given. He does not make mistakes and most certainly does not want to be critiqued by us on his design.


Stay confident and fully embrace what you have been blessed with,


Mara xoxo
