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Do you ever wonder what your true purpose is on this earth? Do you struggle with this, or was I the only one? I mean don't get me wrong, some days I still question my purpose. Doubt creeps in and the lack of confidence settles in. Then I'm gently and sometimes rudely reminded that , 'Mara you do know your purpose, don't doubt your passions and skills for a second.' It is hard in today's world to know exactly who we are. So much is thrown at us, and so much is expected of us. You're expected to complete school, expected to get a job, and on top of that one that you went to school for. You're expected to get married and have kids right away. Don't travel until you have all of your life plans set in stone and have so much money saved up. We are told so many things through out our lives, so it is definitely difficult not to have the internal battle in your head of what you should be doing or not be doing. The purpose of life is definitely not something that should be taken lightly, but it is often times difficult to pinpoint. I believe that our purposes can shift direction over time, but you start somewhere. Where that purpose will leave us is unclear, but it is all part of the original purpose. 


"Your calling is meant for you, not everyone else. Everybody may not get it, and that's okay. It's not for them. They weren't designed for this. You were. God didn't place it in their heart. He placed it in yours. If we left the plans and purposes of our life in the hands of people, our entire life would be conformed to what people want to see instead of who God made us to be, and that's just no way to live." 

- Brittney Moses


What excites you? What sets your heart on fire? Whatever that burning desire is, don't let it just sit there, let it consume you. Fulfillment in life will not come from money, from the approval of people, or sticking to the life plan that society has planned out for us if that is not the plan for your life. Sometimes our plans start recalculating, and you know what? That is just fine, let your internal GPS recalculate all it wants if that is what it takes to fulfill your purpose. Don't let people or society tell you differently, you were given passions for a reason, they are not random, they are your strengths. Do something with them, do not let God's purpose for your life go unfulfilled. True happiness and fulfillment comes from from a state of gratitude. Fulfilling your purpose, your true purpose will give you such drive and motivation to live each and every day with intention. So be patient and truly dig into your passions. Don't be afraid to dream and let what excites you drive you! You won't ever regret it, you will only regret following the plan and purpose that is not for you.


Mara, xoxo