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Life Lately..

When we moved back from the west coast, we had no idea about the changes that would be a part of the next chapter in our story. I decided that I wanted to pursue a nursing program that I could finish in 15 months. The night before I started this new chaotic journey I found out I was pregnant with our Zara Jade. Looking back, I think we were crazy for me to still pursue this nursing program, but we made it through. I only made it through all of the studying and through boards with the help of God, Eric and family members offering to always help out with our little newborn. It all seems like a blur, but being on the other end of it all, it was worth it. I am now a nurse at Vance Thompson Vision and love what I do, who I work with and work for, and I love my daytime hours and free holidays and weekends:) It has been a dream for Eric to become a firefighter. We knew he was pursuing that and with a newborn baby, I knew I wanted day hours and to have my holidays and weekends with my sweet Zara Jade.

Well fast forward a year and now Eric is about to embark on his journey with firefighting. He starts academy here at the end of the month and I couldn’t be more proud of him. Our roles will be reversed and now it is time for me to return the favor for Eric with all of his studying he has ahead of him. I am so proud of him for pursing this dream of his! It is such a competitive field, but he has stuck with it and now here he is, about to begin his 21 weeks in Firefighter Academy. It seems silly that we are both nearly 30 and we feel like we are finally settling down, but I wouldn’t trade our 6 years of living in British Columbia and adventuring in the mountains, traveling Ireland + Scotland for anything. The memories we hold from all of our adventures are ones that we hold so dear to our heart, we are so thankful for all of our adventures! Those 6 years, just the two of us, were incredible and we knew we would never get that time back, well until we were older :) So that’s our story, both settling down into our careers finally at the age of 30, but we are so excited!

We are building a house!! I am much more excited than Eric about all of the fun details that it involves our new home! So our luck, the time we are ready to settle down and buy a house, well the housing market of course is at an all time high and it is so hard to find a home to purchase. Since we weren’t in a huge rush to get out of our apartment that we have made our home, we decided to build a house! Stressful to some people, but I absolutely love design and getting to make this house our home and curate it to our exact style. Eric might think differently and think that this process is very much stressful with all of the different decisions. We are most excited to finally have a garage, but I will be sad to leave our apartment that has seen the best and worst of our past two years. The first place we brought our baby girl home to, but we are excited to create a whole new set of memories in our new home! I will be sharing more of our home building journey in future blog posts as well!

It feels good to be back to the blog after 2 years of focusing on schooling and motherhood. I am excited to share all of the house + interior picks, process and frustrations along the way :) All things clothes, shoes and Zara fashion will be shared as well too. So be on the look out for regular posts, and as always follow me on like to know it to shop my favorite sales, as well as Zara and I’s outfits!

xx Mara

Our Kitchen