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Okay, so our ideal date night, might not be like most, but Eric and I have really grown to love our nights in with a bottle of wine, a good movie, and some homemade pizza and popcorn. Don't get me wrong, we also live for the beautiful and sunny BC days that we can go hiking in the mountains, those are our favourite day dates, but we love nothing more than being all cozied up in our little place we call home. 


The Grootenboer's, because we have no kids yet, we think every night is date night! Haha. But our Friday nights generally turn into our cozy night in. 


Here are some essentials for a cozy date night! 


So we like to make our own crust, and sometimes we will order in pizza. Friday nights are usually our lax.. "cheat" .. meal for the week, no one ever gets sick of pizza. Another favourite crust of ours is to use naan bread as the base and then add whatever toppings and sauce to it. Eric has definitely mastered our pizza nights and they are nothing short of tasteless. He goes above and beyond to perfect our pizza nights! 


2. WINE or some good Gin. We always love a good bottle of Malbec wine, and sometimes we like to mix it up and have some Gin and tonics. A glass of wine or a good gin and tonic always make a cozy night in even more warm and cozy!


3. MOVIE or games. Eric and I are not really game people, like we don't even own a board game, but don't worry we have been playing more games lately and are warming up to the idea of investing in some board games, so maybe in the next couple of months our date nights will turn into game nights. But we love watching movies, we love the stories, the inspiration and the history behind some of the films that we pick to watch. A go to of ours, when we don't have a movie that looks good, you can find us watching SUITS or FRIENDS. If it was up to me, we would also be watching Harry Potter on our date nights in, don't get me wrong, Eric loves the Hogwarts, but not for every Friday night! 


4. POPCORN, we are not huge sweet fans, but we do love salty foods, so we almost always make our own popcorn popped in some coconut oil and sprinkled with some Pink Himalayan sea salt.


5. HAVE FUN, it's the weekend, or a week day! The thing is never get stuck in a rut, we may have our Friday night in date night rituals, but we still have fun with it, and we both desire that! Marriage and relationships are work, let's be real, its not always Harry Potter movies and delicious bottles of wine, sometimes you pick out the bottle of wine because of the label and it's just not good. Or you pick out a movie that you both just end up talking through the entire movie, and sometimes you just simply are arguing or crabby from the events of the day you had, but whatever it turns out to be, just have fun with it and seize the opportunity! We know our cozy nights in will come to a halt when little Grootenboers are running around the house, but for right now we are just soaking up all of our cozy nights in just the two of us. It isn't hard to have fun with your spouse, it is a choice, so do it often, life is too short to let it slip by. 

You can always count on the Grootenboers to have multiple bottles of wine and popcorn seeds in the house, anyone is always welcome to crash our pizza and wine nights! 



Mara, xoxo