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A Letter to our Zara Jade

A Letter to our Zara Jade

Baby girl no. 2 approaches her due date and it really has hit me that I am so fortunate to be the mother to two girls. Raising you, my little miss Zara Jade has its hard moments for sure, but I love how independent and spicy you are becoming. Yet you have the sweetest and biggest heart for others, it is so incredible to have the blessing of being a mother to you, Zara Jade. You are the reason that I am so anxious to meet this next sweet baby girl. I often struggle with the emotions of you not being my only baby and being able to focus only on you, but I know that you will also grow so much as being an older sister. An older sister that will keep your little sissy in line and be a role model for her on how to be an independent woman.

I cannot wait to see your dreams and independence grow as you get older and to see the girl and woman you become. My only hope is that you continue to talk to Jesus and to keep him at the center of your life and heart. It is easy to get wrapped up in so many of the world’s desires for everyone. People too often get caught up in the negatives of being a mom or parent and put a twist on it that sometimes has you thinking about the times before I became a mother. Sure, life was a lot more spontaneous when it was just your dad and I and we would pack up for a long weekend holiday in an hour and be heading to the next ferry to Vancouver Island. It had its moment that we are forever grateful for, but we love all of our new moments with you. Each chapter in life is filled with valleys and mountains for a reason. I pray some day you will experience all of those same adventures, but also know that every new chapter in life has the most beautiful experiences. I hope you always remember that each stage of life is filled with the most beautiful moments and to just soak up what is right in front of you.

The one useful piece of unwanted advice from people that I have been found to hold true is that time truly does go by quickly. No matter what you do, it won’t slow down, so just be present and be there for it all, the big and the small mundane moments. Soaking in all of the snuggles, reading the same book and watching the same Disney movie for the hundredth time, because one day in the near future you will be on to bigger and better things. I’m far from the perfect mom, but I hope that I am able to pass on to you and to encourage growth, support your dreams and love you unconditionally as long as I can. You are forever loved baby girl. P.S. your dad is very much used to an independent wife and is quickly realizing his daughters will be raised in the same way, he would have it no other way. He will forever be one of your biggest supporters, and trust me, he’ll still never be able to tell you “no”, no matter how old you are.

I hope you always remember that you deserve the world, and not in an entitled way, but rather that you never settle. That you always stand up for yourself and love others unconditionally. Follow your dreams and know that Jesus will always be by your side, no matter the circumstances. You’ll forever be our baby girl and made us mom and dad. We will forever be grateful to God for handpicking us to be your parents and to have the privilege of raising you to be a God-fearing woman that impacts the world. We know that you will do an incredible job of showing your little sister these incredible traits that you already have and continue to grow into. We love you forever ZJ and we are so excited to embark on this next chapter and to have you alongside of us as we learn how to be girl mom and dad x2.

That being said, you are welcome any day now baby girl no. 2. We are so ready to add you to the chaos and figure out or new normal with you in it!

xoxo, your mom

Mara's February Musings

Mara's February Musings

Our Kitchen